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Dads Taking Time Out

Another gentle and laid back group earlier this month: Movement play supports us to slow down, let go of other distractions and enable us to simply be together. Our lives can be filled with so much doing and activity. And certainly, as kids get older, there will be lots of time for this. These sessions […]

Dads Sessions this Weekend

Take Some Time Out It’s the first Saturday of the month, so the chance for Dads to get moving and have some breathing space. Saturday 6th June Rock & Roll Dads. 10.30am – 12 . Totnes Childrens Centre. Details here. Dads, Grandads, Uncles and Male Carers welcome with their babies, up-to before the baby can independently […]

Calling Dads-to-be

I met with an antenatal group last night – to tell them about Rock & Roll Dads. So I’m prompted to open the invitation to any ‘expectant’ Dads to come along to future sessions. Our next session is on 1st April. You’ll get the chance to meet other Dads with new babies, and can have a […]

Rock & Roll Dads

Monthly movement play session for Dads/Grandads/male carers and babies.   A chance to spend some time with your baby, move, roll and play together, and meet up with other Dads/Male Carers and their babies. The early months go so quick, and there is a huge amount of change happening for young babies. These informal sessions […]

Embercombe Sustainable Families

I spent this morning with a group of parents at Embercombe – offering a session on Developmental Movement, as part of their Sustainable Families project. My first time at Embercombe, and great to meet and be hosted by Joanna Watters, who facilitates this group, and be part of the mindful approach the group had. It […]