Rock & Roll Dads This Saturday – 2nd April 2016

Looking forward to the session at Totnes Children’s Centre, 10.30am – 12.

As well as time to hang out with other Dads & Male Carers and their babies, I’ll bring along some props again to play with. We’ll revisit the simple framework of how your babies movement develops and progresses, being guided in some simple movement play together.

A recent Comment about a session: “A wonderful mix of learning, just enough structure, and a chance to have protected time with my son amongst our peers.”



Blank BoxAs part of last months session we talked about how bringing up a child, triggers the memories of our own childhoods, and makes us aware of what memories we are creating for our own children.

Even though babies conscious memories are not developed yet, they will be laying down more unconscious, body memories. They will take forward with them, the comfort you provide. Their core sense of themselves that is developing in the early months, will be carried forward and provide a foundation for all they later do.

In supporting a baby’s movement play, and the sense of their body, together with a parent/carer who is tuned in, responsive and playful – is so valuable. This is what Rock & Roll Dads is all about.



Dad & Baby


During the March session men also spoke about their love of the outdoors, and memories of this as kids. In the conversation there was interest in getting up on the moor with other Dads & babies – feel free to link up via the Facebook page.



Sessions are open to all male carers – so Grandads, Uncles, Foster Parents etc are welcome too.

General Info about the group here.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date and help spread the word #RockandRollDadsTotnes