Integrative Bodywork & Movement Therapy for Adults
Theses individual sessions explore aspects of your body and movement for your health, well being & personal development.
Sessions Outdoors in Nature
Therapy and Supervision sessions are available working outside.
Movement Therapy for Teenagers
Sessions to focus on what’s important to you, to find ways to be more comfortable, and deal with life’s challenges.
Movement Therapy for Babies & Children
Our movement and sensory experience forms the foundation from which our life develops.
Creative Body Based Supervision
1:1 sessions for support, reflection and development of your therapeutic or educational work with others, drawing on the resources of the body, mind and emotions.
Authentic Movement
1:1 sessions in this personal exploration practice.
Teaching in Higher Education. Workshops, training events and presentations on the significance for movement in development, learning, and health. Paul is a Co-Director of the Institute of Integrative Bodywork & Movement Therapy, and teaches on the UK programme.