Artwork from a movement therapy session

Through-out this year I’ll be running some of the introductory workshops for the module that starts in Sept 2019 – see here for the full list. This course is the first part of a 2 year series that focuses on Embodied Anatomy and Movement Re-patterning – where participants get to explore the stuff of our bodies one body system at a time.  Skin, Skeletal, Organ, Muscle and Fluid systems of the body are covered in the first year, through touch, movement and dialogue. Study includes both theoretical and experiential aspects, with a strong focus on the embodiment of each system. The personal meanings and psychological expressions embodied within these different tissues are also explored. 

The module gives a broad appreciation of all that our body is and holds, enabling us to develop resources for ourselves and in working with others in a range of fields. Knowing something of structure, form and function enables a deepening respect for the body and it’s processes. This in turn supports us to be aware, present and mindful as we attend to what is needed in the changing nature of our bodies. 

All the details can be seen here.

My Somatic Movement Therapy client work continues to form a large part of my week:

  • working with adults who are interested in finding out more of what their body holds of their story and well-being, whether that is from a physical or emotional starting point. 
  • working with children and young people, who are struggling in some way with their development.  Sessions enables them to begin to find what’s needed to be expressed or received, filling in gaps missed or developing resources to manage the challenges they face in life.

I’m fortunate enough to have a range of great teaching teaching commitments in 2019: the Infant Movement Development module for the Integrative Bodywork & Movement Therapy Diploma continues in Devon; as does the Somatic Psychology module in Moscow; plus a visiting lecture/workshop day for the MA in Dance Movement Psychotherapy at Goldsmiths in London.