It’s been over a year since my last newsletter, and I hope that what I write here is a way of giving you an update about my work and keeping in touch. If you would like to have more regular updates, please subscribe to my News/Blog. And as I look ahead, I’m particularly open to working with more adults, so if you’re interested to find out more, or know someone else who might be, feel free to get in touch.

I love my work. It’s not always easy, finding ways to offer something that isn’t mainstream, but I am finding my ground and place in the world with what I offer.

Reconnecting with quieter resources.

As I reflect, I’m touched and privileged to work with the people who come. Each person is so unique in what they bring and how the work unfolds. Whether the starting point is emotional or physical, whether it stems from an earlier stage in their life or a more recent event, I’m struck by a common theme. I notice, that for many people I work with, the process is about reconnecting with quieter resources in themselves. Stress, dis-ease, or traumatic events have meant that they are out of kilter. The balance of outer and inner, activity and rest, tension and release, is ‘stuck’ in some way. Often the first phase is to find ways to rest and ground, noting the resistances and patterns that have been established. Here stories are able to be told, or simply what has been held in the tissues of the body, find their way out. There’s a chance of expression and recuperation, and the opportunity for people to return to themselves in a more easeful way.





My work has grown this year, in quantity and depth. I feel very fortunate to have such stimulating work. Having been involved in the field of body, movement and our well-being for some 20 + years now, I can feel a greater sense of ground and becoming established.

My private therapy practice has been rich, with a range of people coming to see me, young and old. I’m now an associate with an adoption consultancy, in a team with Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Drama and Art Therapists. The consultancy make assessments and put together packages of support for children, young people and their families. So I’ve been working with a number of adopted children and teenagers who are dealing with the impact of this disruption in their early life. It is incredibly moving to be alongside these young people and parents, as through movement exploration and play, they tell their stories and find ways to rework what they are left with, to find ways forward.

I’ve continued to work with pre-school children with Developmental Delay, drawing on Developmental Movement frameworks and the psychological and relational aspects of their growth.





Rock & Roll Dads is continuing, month by month, at Totnes Children’s Centre. This community group that I set up a year ago, has been so rewarding. It’s been quite profound to simply provide a space for men and their babies to be. We’ve mostly hung out together, in a large clear space – so lots of room to stretch out, without the distractions of wider family, home responsibilities and technology. So much to notice and share as babies explore connection and attachment, exploration and separation. During the sessions I get the chance to share key elements of developmental movement and psychology along the way. It’s in my sights to be able to offer a group for older babies/toddlers and dads – watch this space.  If you can help spread the word about Rock & Roll Dads, so more men and babies can come along, please do. Share on Facebook or email the link – thanks.

And if any parents are interested in asking any questions about their baby’s movement development, I’m often at the ‘Hello Baby’ group at the family centre in Totnes on Friday mornings. I run a session there for the Baby Massage course, that looks at all the amazing changes that are going on in the first weeks and months. Get in touch to find out when I’m next there.




Giving Attention to the Body – work with Adults.

I’ve worked with a number of adults in the last year, who have wanted to give some attention to their body and wider life issues. It has often been ill health, through a specific crisis or longer term dis-ease, that has drawn them to seek the opportunity to discover more of what is going on for them. I’m very open to working with more adults – to support either physical or emotional themes. Please get in touch, or pass on my details.


environmental-backgroundSupportive Spaces – in and out.

I’ve appreciated the different venues I’ve been able to work in, with clients and for my own movement practice and preparation – through church halls to higher spec dance spaces. I’ve been close to home in Totnes (St Mary’s Church Hall, Chapel House Studios) and Dartington (Space Studios), and further afield in Plymouth, Exeter and London.

And I’m involved in the organising of the next Somatic Movement Gathering in London. An opportunity for practitioners to get together as peers, share their practice, questions, and interests, and build a sense of community and links together. I’ve been along to these gatherings as a participant and workshop leader, and always find them such nourishing events. Working as a freelancer, bringing somatic work into new fields can be an isolated experience, so to get together with others can give a real boost to confidence and developing work.

Outside Spaces

12 months ago, myself and an Art Therapy colleague began meeting to walk in the woods, and share art and movement practice. This has evolved into peer supervision, and in an unplanned way, led to me starting to include working outside with some of the teenagers I see. For this, as well as my more recent training, I’ve been drawing on my work with Helen Poynor (from 2000 – 2009) and her environmental movement practice. I’ve been so glad to have had that as part of my background. The studio or hall provides a container, that is private and dependable. And in the right circumstances, the outside environment of the woods or field, offer many resources. I love how it can support the creative edge, with the unpredictable and spontaneous, and it simply feeling good to be outside!



Supporting Students

My learning has continued as I’ve assisted on further modules in Integrative Training & Movement Therapy – really appreciating the chance to witness and support students, drawing on experience and developing my own understanding as I share my perspective to the group or through 1:1 sessions.


In  September I was in Cambridge, at the Birthlight International Conference – Light in Water – Two days dedicated to the science, art and joy of moving in water from pregnancy to childhood. I offered a workshop that gave people a taster of one key aspect of my work – how we tune in to others, and come into relationship. Details here. There are other university teaching opportunities coming up in the new year, at Goldsmiths, on the Dance Movement Psychotherpy MA, that I’m hoping to link with seeing clients in London too. And I return again to UCLan, in Preston, to run a workshops for MA & BA students, as well as a public workshop. And I continue to be involved in supporting and developing the Workshop Programme at the Institute of Integrative Bodywork & Movement Therapy.


10 Years On


Next spring I will have been in my Movement Peer Group for 10 years. This group of 5 – 6 people meet weekly for a couple of hours to move – no music, no instruction. We move, we check in, we move again, and have a final sharing. We get the chance to move in a great local dance space, and outside, surrounded by Devon Hills. I so value the support of this regular practice, and the holding a group of committed colleagues brings. We periodically are open to new members, so if you’re interested, give me a call and I can explain more.


And this autumn I returned to Norfolk, for my third meeting of an on-going Authentic Movement Group, held twice a year by Linda Hartley. This movement form underpins much of my work, developing the ability to ‘contain’ and be with, to slow our process down, and enable connection. As mentioned in the opening of this newsletter, one overarching theme often present is the unbalance in our nervous system. So Authentic Movement enables a stillness and calmness to slow the process down. After having been asked to provide 1:1 Authentic Movement in recent months, I’ve included a page on my website giving more details. See  here.


Thanks for reading to the end. And my thanks to my teachers, supervisors, colleagues and clients, and all that being alive and a body brings!