Timing & Missed Sessions

  • Please arrive on time. Sessions will end at the appointed time. If you are running late please do what you can to text me (my number 07967 558 254), and if possible send a back-up email (in case I am not in signal but may have wi-fi). If I have not heard from you after 20 min I will assume that you are not coming.  Missed sessions are charged for.


  • Please pay fees online at the time of booking your initial session. I will email you my bank details.
  • For payment of on-going sessions, please pay before your appointment time.

Cancellation Policy

  • If you cannot make a booked session and need to cancel, please contact me as soon as possible by Text or Phone, and if possible a back-up email (in case I am not in signal but may have wi-fi).

Over one week’s notice before the appointment time         No Cancellation fee

Less than one week, but more than 24 hours                          £20

Less than 24 hours                                                                        Full fee


  • Periodically we will review our work together to reflect on how the sessions are meeting your needs. You are welcome to request this at any point.

Interruptions and Endings

  • If we are working together in an ongoing way, interuptions or breaks are significant and can benefit from being talked about together. Having the chance to explore the ending of our work is valuable too, giving us time to explore themes and review the work. We can discuss the impact of any breaks or how we would like our ending to be, number of sessions etc. Those working with me agree to discuss pausing or ending their work within a session and not over the phone, by email or text.

Confidentiality & Safeguarding

  • What is shared in the sessions is confidential. If I am concerned about your or another’s safety I will speak to you about this, and inform you if I intend to contact others to safeguard you or others.

Privacy & Data Protection

  • In order for me to do my work effectively I make anonymised notes of sessions (using initials) to reflect on our work. These are stored on a password protected laptop. Information is backed up on Dropbox, password protected and with 2 step-verification.
  • I receive regular supervision and do not use any details that would enable my supervisor to identify who I am working with.
  • Any contact information you give me is stored separately to notes on a password protected laptop and mobile phone.

Code of Ethics