As we begin the new term, here is an update since my last newsletter.
Details include my Movement Therapy work in Early Years Education, and Fostering & Adoption; a new group for Dads; work with adults and teaching further afield.
Work with Babies & Children
In July I ended my work as a Child Support Worker within a pre-school setting, after two and a half years. I learnt so much from colleagues and children here, at this rich and tender time. Children exploring the world independently are so connected to their felt-body and emotional experience. To witness, support and facilitate a child’s development is such a privilege, a challenge and delight.
I’m still working within early years education, but carrying out specific movement therapy assessment, training, and on-going work with children and families. It’s great to step into this role and raise the profile of, and accessibility to, Somatic Movement Therapy.
As a volunteer I continue to offer Developmental Movement sessions as part of a colleague’s Baby Massage course – starting my 4th year of working with these groups. I love sharing the enthusiasm I have for reveling in the early sensory and movement world of the very young.
I’ve established links within the Fostering & Adoption field, to work with children and families in this area. This will develop my skills and experience in working with older children and teenagers. A real learning edge for me – but so much to offer.
Movement Play for Dads & Babies
I’m about to start a new community group next month. ‘Rock & Roll Dads‘ offers a monthly movement play session for Dads, Grandads, Male Carers and babies.
After volunteering at a baby group for several years, I notice how Dads/Grandads would come along, but only once. Part of this was to do with work commitments, but I’m sure the female environment wasn’t easy for many to be in. And I would notice particularly those dads who were struggling in some way – may be their relationship had broken down, or other life pressures of work and home were impacting on their well-being, and the relationship with their child. They seemed very much on the edge. Mums would get a huge amount of support form being together during the baby groups. So, I wanted to offer a group to Dads. And Movement Play can often be such a natural thing for Dads to get involved in. So I’m really excited about how these sessions may go through the next year.
Adult Movement Therapy
I’ve appreciated the chance to work with a number of adults in the last year too, supporting those with long-term health issues. My website has led to clients in London finding out about my work, so I’m enjoying having the opportunity to work there.
Teaching Further a Field …
Later this autumn I’m offering a workshop at The University of Central Lancashire – for students on the MA in Dance & Somatic Well-being. I’ve been invited to run a session to introduce students to working with somatic movement with young children, in Early Years Education and private practice. I learn so much from sharing my work with others and facilitating their own process. It’s great to make links as a practitioner on the ground, connecting somatic theory to people the work can make a difference to. Now more than ever, the world needs those who can help bring the wisdom of the body to how we work with others.
My connection with those involved in Baby Swimming has recently been renewed. I wrote an article and ran a Continued Professional Development day a couple of years ago, and now plan to do a second day in spring next year. I’ve also been invited to run a workshop at a international conference later next year. It is great to have the opportunity to share Somatic work with other fields.
I have completed my 5th year of training …
with The Institute of Integrative Bodywork & Movement Therapy. This has been such a foundation for my developing skills and knowledge, that I’m very excited about applying and making use of in the world. This year has also seen me assist on the Somatic Psychology & Embryological Development module, that I completed in 2012. Again a privilege to witness and support colleagues in learning about the impact of in utero experience; frameworks to understand the inter-relationship between mind, body & emotion; sub-personalities; the development of the self; and body process work. I’ll be continuing my involvement with the institute by assisting on the Infant Movement Development module that starts later this month.
Supportive Resources …
My Movement Peer Group continues to meet weekly, and regular swimming, running and my own studio time are all so key in supporting my work. And I begin this autumn in an Authentic Movement Ongoing Study & Practice Group, that I know will be so valuable.
If you would like to be on my mailing list, or to find out more about aspects of my work, please get in touch.